
The Portuguese Archive of Social Information (APIS) is a research infrastructure for the social sciences whose main activity consists on the preservation and dissemination of research data. Located at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, the archive promotes the collection and sharing of research datasets in digital format, aiming at their public consultation, analysis, and pedagogical use. Its collection also contains several datasets resulting from research projects conducted by the Portuguese academic community. Since 2017, APIS is a member of the European research infrastructure CESSDA-ERIC (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives).


The research program Portuguese Voting Behaviour (CEP) has conducted, since 2002, electoral surveys after all legislative elections to representative samples of the Portuguese population. At the moment, CEP includes six post-electoral studies following legislative elections (2002, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2015 and 2019), as well as a study of the 2006 presidential election. By 2022, CEP will encompass a period of two decades on individual-level data on political attitudes and electoral behaviour in Portugal. CEP is part of several international research projects, including CSES (Comparative Study of Election Systems) and CNEP (Comparative National Elections Project), giving a comparative dimension to Portuguese data and ensuring their international dissemination.

The research program Portuguese Social Attitudes (ASP) aims at gathering information about the attitudes and values of the Portuguese concerning several aspects of their social and civic life, comparing them to the attitudes and values of citizens in other countries. Furthermore, ASP aims at tracking changes occurring in these dimensions through time. ASP was created by Manuel Villaverde Cabral and Jorge Vala in 1996, and encompassed several international projects of longitudinal and comparative research on these topics, including the European Social Survey-ERIC , the International Social Survey Programme, and the European Values Study. Finally, ASP also integrates the project Opinion Study in Portugal, a series on online surveys about the attitudes of Portuguese citizens about topics like climate change, Portuguese society, trust in institutions, the media, politics, and well being.

XLAB is a laboratory for scientific research and data collection whose main goal is the study of decision-making processes and economic, political, and social behaviour. This infrastructure conducts experimental studies, surveys about economic and social behaviour, and measurement tests. XLAB is located at the Lisbon School of Economics & Management of the University of Lisbon.

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